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What the CHIS Planning Group does

We review the Council’s weekly list of planning applications. Many matters do not require comment and we concentrate on those that will have a significant impact – good or bad – on the area. 

We are also the nominated community group for pre-application community consultation for our area

Opposing an application

Guidance is available from the Bristol City Council website. Comments or objections can be made online or by letter.

CHIS will endeavour to respond to enquiries regarding specific issues from paid-up MEMBERS only.

The majority of planning applications are decided at officer level, without reference to the appropriate planning committee. However, because almost all the area we cover is within a Conservation Area, a high proportion is referred to the committee. When this happens, interested parties are entitled to send a statement in advance and to speak at the committee meeting.

If permission is refused the applicant has the right to appeal against refusal. Such appeals are decided by the Department of the Environment Planning Inspector. Those who objected to the original application will be informed about the appeal and provided with guidance on how to proceed.

CHIS supports various improvements and enhancements, either tacitly or by working with residents, to ensure that proposed developments are appropriate to the special character of the area. When serious planning principles are at stake CHIS will make its objections felt.

For information

Reference to these principles and policies can be useful when proposing developments or alterations, and also when responding to inappropriate development. Clifton & Hotwells Character Appraisal (PDF) is a detailed survey of what is important to be conserved in the area – for instance: garden walls, lamp posts etc. – and underpins the local planning policy framework.

The Bristol Local Plan is the policy document which sets out how Bristol will be developed, setting policy up to 2026. There are a number of documents included in the Plan.

The Bristol Core Strategy is the lead document, and sets out the overarching view of city development. Site Allocations show policy for specific sites. Development Management Policies cover the whole city.

The Planning Finder website allows you to sign up for news of planning applications in your area.

CHIS Archive: Planning