Map | Ward | ref_no | validated | Proposal & address | Status |
| Hotwells & Harbourside | 24/03321/F | 2024-09-16 | Full Planning Application for the Erection of an Upside Down House entertainment facility (D2) and ticket office for a period of 12 months, from 1st October 2024. Anchor Square Canons Road Bristol | Pending consideration |
| Clifton Down | 24/03555/VD | 2024-09-10 | 5 Day Notice: T001 - Norway Maple (dead) - Fell. Victoria Reservoir & Pumping House Oakfield Road Bristol BS8 | Decided |
| Clifton | 24/03467/F | 2024-09-09 | Erection of a Dwelling. Land At Corner Of Hope Chapel Hill/ South Green Street Bristol | Pending consideration |
| Central | 24/03289/VC | 2024-08-22 | T1 - Lime - Re-pollard. Electricity Substation Colston Street Bristol | Decided |
| Clifton Down | 24/03909/VC | 2024-10-04 | T1 - Birch - Reduce height by 2m, reduce canopy by upto 1m, thin canopy by upto 10%. T2 - Birch - Reduce height by 1.5m, reduce canopy by upto 1m. 11 Leigh Road Bristol BS8 2DA | Pending decision |
| Clifton | 24/03912/VC | 2024-10-04 | T1 - Birch - Reduce by roughly 2m and reshape. 2 Duncan Mews Mortimer Road Bristol BS8 4EY | Pending decision |
| Clifton Down | 24/03913/VC | 2024-10-04 | Yew - Reduce height and width by 2m. Laurel - Reduce by 1.5m. 17 Beaconsfield Road Clifton Bristol BS8 2TS | Pending decision |
| Clifton | 24/03920/VC | 2024-10-04 | Beech - Reduce height by 4m maximum. 42 Royal York Crescent Bristol BS8 4JS | Pending decision |
| Clifton | 24/03922/VC | 2024-10-04 | Silver Maple - Fell. 3 Richmond Terrace Clifton Bristol BS8 1AB | Pending consideration |
| Central | 24/03881/VC | 2024-10-03 | T1 - Horsechestnut - Fell. T2 - Elder - Coppice to 1.5m. T3 - Laurel - Crown reduce to height of 3m. 19 Elmdale Road Clifton Bristol BS8 1SG | Pending consideration |
| Clifton Down | 24/03894/CE | 2024-10-03 | Application for a Lawful Development Certificate for an Existing Use or Operation or Activity - Flat 3a 14 Southleigh Mews was converted from a storage area. Flat 3A Southleigh Mews 14 Southleigh Road Bristol BS8 2BH | Pending consideration |
| Clifton | 24/03649/LB | 2024-10-02 | Damp proofing flat walls. Flat 6 Clifton Dispensary 13 Dowry Square Bristol BS8 4SL | Pending decision |
| Clifton Down | 24/03861/COU | 2024-10-02 | Application to determine if prior approval is required for a proposed: Change of use from Commercial, Business and Service (Use Class E) to Dwellinghouses (Use Class C3) Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 (as amended) - Schedule 2, Part 3, Class MA - Change of use of part ground floor and the upper parts from Class E to Class C3 Use. 1 unit. 39 Alma Vale Road Bristol BS8 2HL | Pending consideration |
| Clifton Down | 24/03541/F | 2024-10-01 | Rear windows converted to doors, new Juliet balcony, existing rear door converted to window, existing garden steps replaced with new landing and steps, rear patio and landscaping improved. Ground Floor Flat 3 Eaton Crescent Bristol BS8 2EJ | Pending consideration |
| Clifton | 24/03853/COND | 2024-10-01 | Application for approval of details reserved by condition 2 and 3 of permission 24/01934/X Application for variation of Condition nos. 4 (Materials) and 6 (Approved plans) of permission 22/01475/H Demolition of existing rear extension and conservatory and erection of new two storey extension. 10 Dowry Square Bristol BS8 4SH | Decided |
| Clifton | 24/03857/LB | 2024-10-01 | A thermal upgrade to the roof with maintenance and repair of the Valley gutters, gullies, chimneys, and dormer windows. Third Floor Flat 53 Pembroke Road Clifton Bristol BS8 3BE | Pending consideration |
| Clifton | 24/03879/VC | 2024-10-01 | T1 - Pagoda Tree - Reduce height by 4m and radial spread by 2.5m. 11 Hope Square Bristol BS8 4LX | Pending decision |
| Central | 24/03685/F | 2024-09-30 | Proposed single-storey infill extension between two buttresses at the foot of the south-west (rear) transept to provide access to restored garden space, with the removal of two existing window bays to allow access point. The Woodlands Christian Centre Woodland Road Bristol BS8 2AD | Pending consideration |
| Central | 24/03686/LA | 2024-09-30 | Proposed single-storey infill extension between two buttresses at the foot of the south-west (rear) transept to provide access to restored garden space, with the removal of two existing window bays to allow access point. The Woodlands Christian Centre Woodland Road Bristol BS8 2AD | Pending consideration |
| Clifton | 24/03820/LB | 2024-09-30 | 2 no. timber replacement doors and 2no timber replacement windows. Basement Flat 18 Caledonia Place Bristol BS8 4DJ | Pending consideration |
| Clifton | 24/03822/COND | 2024-09-30 | Application for approval of details reserved by condition 2 and 3 of permission 24/01915/X Application for variation of Condition nos. 4 (Materials) and 5 (Approved plans) of permission 22/01620/LA Demolition of existing rear extension and conservatory and erection of new two storey extension. 10 Dowry Square Bristol BS8 4SH | Decided |
| Clifton | 24/03824/LB | 2024-09-30 | Installation of fibre broadband which will require drilling a small hole through one of the external walls. Ground Floor Flat 16 Buckingham Place Bristol BS8 1LJ | Pending consideration |
| Clifton | 24/03832/VC | 2024-09-30 | T01 & T02 - Lawson Cypress x 2 - Fell. Cote House Clifton Down Bristol BS8 3NG | Pending decision |
| Clifton | 24/03796/VC | 2024-09-27 | T1 - Bay - Remove height and spread to convert into a 2m high hedge. T2 - Holly - Crown reduce by 60cm. Ground Floor Flat 14 Royal Park Bristol BS8 3AL | Pending decision |
| Clifton Down | 24/03803/VC | 2024-09-27 | G1 - Cypress x 2 - Reduce by roughly 4m in height and up to 3m over neighbouring garden. 3 Duchess Road Bristol BS8 2LA | Pending decision |
| Clifton Down | 24/03810/A | 2024-09-27 | Alterations to the existing shopfront advertisement include the following amendments; 1. Replacing the existing restore facia sign above the shopfront with a new sign as per accompanying drawings. 2. Remove and replace blue Portugese tiles externally on the stall riser below the shopfront window with glazed ceramic tiles (Scolpito Arancia Gloss, Size: 30x40x0.85cm). 3. Re-paint the light-grey shopfront mullions with dark paint. Unit 8C Clifton Down Shopping Centre Whiteladies Road Bristol BS8 2NN | Pending consideration |
| Hotwells & Harbourside | 24/03779/NMA | 2024-09-26 | Application for a Non-Material Amendment following a Grant of Planning Permission 24/01516/H - Proposed rear dormer to facilitate loft conversion with associated internal works. Non- material Amendment sought to Increase the width of the glazed door in the dormer. 10 Rosebery Terrace Bristol BS8 1DP | Pending consideration |
| Clifton Down | 24/03761/VC | 2024-09-25 | T1 - Ash - Reduce height by 3m and radial spread by 2m. T2 - Holly - Reduce height by 2m and radial spread by 0.3m. 4 Melrose Place Bristol BS8 2NQ | Pending decision |
| Clifton | 24/03762/VC | 2024-09-25 | T1 - Pyracantha - Fell. T2 - Yew - Reduce height by 1m and radial spread by 0.5m. T3 & T4 - Hazel x 2 - Fell. 10 Goldney Avenue Bristol BS8 4RA | Pending decision |
| Clifton | 24/03773/VC | 2024-09-25 | Silver Birch (dead) - Fell. Japanese Maple - Reduce by 0.6-1.5m. 3 Harley Place Bristol BS8 3JT | Pending decision |
| Clifton | 24/03683/F | 2024-09-24 | Erection of an extension at second floor level to provide five residential units (Use Class C3), plus associated works of construction, alteration and extension. Somerset House 18 Canynge Road Bristol BS8 3JX | Pending consideration |
| Clifton | 24/03749/VD | 2024-09-24 | 5 Day Notice: T1 - Weeping willow (dead) - Fell. Bristol Zoo Gardens Guthrie Road Bristol BS8 3HA | Decided |
| Hotwells & Harbourside | 24/03462/F | 2024-09-23 | New roof extension to facilitate drama studio above existing theatre, with internal refurbishment, external plant area, new internal access stairs, windows and new ground floor level pedestrian/wheelchair access from Berkeley Place. Queen Elizabeth Hospital Berkeley Place Bristol BS8 1JX | Pending consideration |
| Hotwells & Harbourside | 24/03463/LA | 2024-09-23 | New roof extension to facilitate drama studio above existing theatre, with internal refurbishment, external plant area, new internal access stairs, windows and new ground floor level pedestrian/wheelchair access from Berkeley Place. Queen Elizabeth Hospital Berkeley Place Bristol BS8 1JX | Pending consideration |
| Clifton | 24/03716/VC | 2024-09-23 | G1 - Holly & Bay - Fell Holly, remove dead branch from Bay. T2 - Beech - Reduce by 2.5m, C/L to 5m, thin by 10%. Clifton High School College Road Clifton Bristol BS8 3JD | Pending decision |
| Clifton | 24/03719/VC | 2024-09-23 | T1 - Purple Leaved Plum - Crown reduce by 2m. 16 Richmond Hill Bristol BS8 1AT | Pending decision |
| Clifton Down | 24/03690/VC | 2024-09-20 | T1 - Ash - Reduce over extended limbs overhanging road by 8m, crown raise by up to 3.5m, prune away from building by 2.5m. Flat 1 118 Pembroke Road Clifton Bristol BS8 3ER | Pending decision |
| Hotwells & Harbourside | 24/03723/COND | 2024-09-20 | Application for approval of details reserved by condition 2 and 4 of permission 24/01058/LA Roof works to both the front and rear elevation pitched roof areas. 9 - 10 Upper Berkeley Place Bristol BS8 1JS | Pending consideration |
| Hotwells & Harbourside | 24/03724/COND | 2024-09-20 | Application for approval of details reseved by condition 2 (a and b) of permission 24/01058/LA Roof works to both the front and rear elevation pitched roof areas of 9 and 10 Upper Berkeley Place. Materials are to be replaced on a material and profile like-for-like basis 9 - 10 Upper Berkeley Place Bristol BS8 1JS | Pending consideration |
| Clifton Down | 24/03674/VC | 2024-09-19 | T1 - Rabinia Acacia - Fell. 13 Hurle Crescent Bristol BS8 2SX | Pending decision |
| Clifton | 24/03607/LB | 2024-09-18 | a) Removal of non-primary walls in the basement and the formation of a wine storage room including the careful dismantling and reassembly of the existing pantry slabs. b) Waterproofing works to the basement including the careful lifting and re-laying of the floor slabs. c) Alterations to the second-floor bathroom to enlarge the dressing room with the addition of glazed doors including the replacement of a non-primary timber stud partition. 8 Harley Place Bristol BS8 3JT | Pending consideration |
| Clifton Down | 24/03668/VC | 2024-09-18 | T1 - Sycamore - Crown reduce by 3m leaving 12m in height with radial spread 7m. 27 Alma Road Bristol BS8 2BZ | Pending decision |
| Clifton Down | 24/03417/VC | 2024-09-17 | Yew - Fell. 33 Apsley Road Bristol BS8 2SN | Pending decision |
| Clifton | 24/03640/VP | 2024-09-17 | T001 - Ash - Fell. (TPO 1229) 16 West Mall Bristol BS8 4BQ | Pending consideration |
| Clifton | 24/02208/F | 2024-09-16 | New boiler and vent to replace existing. The Church House Clifton Down Bristol BS8 4AN | Pending consideration |
| Clifton | 24/02209/LA | 2024-09-16 | New boiler and vent to replace existing. The Church House Clifton Down Bristol BS8 4AN | Pending consideration |
| Clifton | 24/03497/VC | 2024-09-16 | T1 - Norway Maple - Fell. T2 - Bay - Crown reduce by approx 1m. T3 - Cherry - Remove deadwood. T4 - Cornus - Crown reduce spread over lawn by 1-1.5m. T5 - Judus Tree - Remove deadwood. T6 - Yucca - Fell. T7 - Silver Birch - Crown reduce by approx 1.5m. 101 Pembroke Road Clifton Bristol BS8 3EE | Decided |
| Clifton | 24/03621/COU | 2024-09-16 | Application to determine if prior approval is required for a proposed: Change of use from Commercial, Business and Service (Use Class E) to Dwellinghouses (Use Class C3) Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 (as amended) - Schedule 2, Part 3, Class MA - (1 Unit). 69 Princess Victoria Street Bristol BS8 4DD | Pending consideration |
| Clifton | 24/03600/VP | 2024-09-13 | T1 - Willow - Re-pollard by 5m back to previous points. (TPO 1209) Adams Court Cumberland Place Bristol BS8 4LQ | Pending decision |
| Clifton | 24/03603/COND | 2024-09-13 | Application for approval of details reserved by condition 5, 6, 8 11, and 12 of permission 23/04191/F Proposed use of building as community , youth and cultural centre. Refurbishment of existing south wing to create new entrance , foyer, reception and new central circulation core to allow improved access throughout , opening up to former pump/boiler room as community event space , construction of new rooftop extension over existing reservoir tanks to create new community and event space. Dance Centre Jacobs Wells Road City Centre Bristol BS8 1DX | Pending consideration |
| Hotwells & Harbourside | 24/03577/VC | 2024-09-12 | T2 - Horse chestnut - Clear basal shoots. T8 - Evergreen Oak - Crown reduce upper easterly side by 2.8m. T10 - Sycamore - Crown reduce upper northerly branches to previous points. T11 - Sycamore - Crown reduce upper northerly branches by 1.5m back to previous points. T12 - Sycamore - Crown reduce 1.5m back to previous points. T14A - Sycamore - Crown lift by 4m. T16 - Evergreen Oak - Crown reduce by 1.5m. T17 - Holly - Crown reduce by 2.5m back to previous points. Queen Elizabeth Hospital Berkeley Place Bristol BS8 1JX | Decided |
| Clifton | 24/03580/VC | 2024-09-12 | Cherry - Fell. Eugenie House 1 - 3 Royal York Crescent Bristol BS8 4JW | Decided |
| Clifton | 24/03588/COND | 2024-09-12 | Application for approval of details reserved by condition 2 and 3 of permission 24/02520/COU Class MA prior approval for the change of use of a building from office (Use Class E) to 30 flats falling within use class C3 (Dwellinghouse). Somerset House 18 Canynge Road Bristol BS8 3JX | Pending consideration |
| Clifton Down | 24/03590/X | 2024-09-12 | Application for variation of condition 7 (plans) of planning permission 23/03813/F (Refurbishment of 17 Oakfield Road including demolition of modern sheds, entrance ramp and metal fire escape staircase, removal of modern fencing to boundary edge, new patio doors & small terrace to the side and rear elevations, new canopy to the rear entrance, alterations to the existing vehicular access and parking position within the rear garden and new trellis to side boundary. This includes change the use from a Class E unit to a C3 unit which has already been given under application 23/01394/COU.) To allow for the reinstatement of traditional forged railings to the front and side of the property and the reinstatement of a chimney on the side (west) elevation. 17 Oakfield Road Bristol BS8 2AW | Pending consideration |
| Clifton | 24/03592/H | 2024-09-12 | Replacement roof tiles, battens & membrane to existing roof structures (all buildings on site) re-rendering of existing chimney stack render to match existing. 9 Clifton Wood Road Bristol BS8 4TA | Pending consideration |
| Clifton | 24/03593/LA | 2024-09-12 | Replacement roof tiles, battens & membrane to existing roof structures (all buildings on site) re-rendering of existing chimney stack render to match existing. 9 Clifton Wood Road Bristol BS8 4TA | Pending consideration |
| Central | 24/03576/VC | 2024-09-11 | T1 & T2 - Southern Magnolias - Crown reduction by up to 1.5m. Stuart House Royal Fort Road Bristol BS8 1UH | Decided |
| Clifton | 24/03441/LB | 2024-09-10 | Installation of an (EV) charging unit inside the detached garage. All cabling required for the charger routed internally. 4 Sion Hill Bristol BS8 4BA | Pending consideration |
| Clifton Down | 24/03546/VC | 2024-09-10 | Prunus Autumnalis - Remove branches to leave tree at a height of 2m. 28A St Johns Road Clifton Bristol BS8 2EZ | Decided |
| Clifton Down | 24/03149/CPLB | 2024-09-09 | Application for a Certificate of Lawfulness of proposed works to a Listed Building - Install secondary glazing and draught proofing. Flat 6 Pembroke Mansions 1 - 3 Oakfield Road Bristol BS8 2AH | Decided |
| Hotwells & Harbourside | 24/03346/F | 2024-09-09 | Construction of 3 No. new 2 storey dwelling houses. Land Adjacent To 2 Little Caroline Place Bristol BS8 4QR | Pending consideration |
| Clifton | 24/03384/VC | 2024-09-09 | Silver Birch - Cut back branches by 2-3m. 6 Glentworth Road Clifton Bristol BS8 4TB | Decided |
| Clifton | 24/03547/VC | 2024-09-09 | T1 - Beech - Reduce crown height by 2m and radial spread by 1.5m back to previous reduction points. T2 - Himalayan Birch - Crown raise by 1m, prune back from property by 1.5m, crown thin by 10%. Communal Rear Gardens Hope Square Bristol BS8 4LX | Decided |
| Clifton | 24/03548/VC | 2024-09-09 | T3 - Weeping Willow - Prune back radial spread overhanging garden of 10 Hope Square by 3m back to pollard knuckle. 9 Hope Square Bristol BS8 4LX | Decided |
| Clifton | 24/02830/F | 2024-09-06 | Widened garden wall opening and re-landscaping; rear window/door rearrangement & new internal opening. Basement Flat 24 Victoria Square Bristol BS8 4ES | Pending consideration |
| Clifton | 24/02831/LA | 2024-09-06 | Widened garden wall opening and re-landscaping; rear window/door rearrangement & new internal opening. Basement Flat 24 Victoria Square Bristol BS8 4ES | Pending consideration |
| Clifton | 24/03404/CP | 2024-09-05 | Application for a Lawful Development Certificate for a Proposed development for the removal of the existing rubble stone boundary wall, section-by-section, and rebuilding in the same style along existing boundary line to no more than current height (with copings) using original rubble and pennant stone materials, together with reclaimed pennant stone to make up for the currently-missing copings. Ground Floor Flat 1 St Edwards Road Bristol BS8 4TS | Decided |
| Clifton | 24/03452/VC | 2024-09-03 | Camellia - Remove 2-4 stems to clear. Macrocarpa (next door) - Reduce side branches by 1-2m to clear. Bay x 3 - Reduce height by 3.5-4m. 83 Pembroke Road Clifton Bristol BS8 3EA | Decided |
| Central | 24/03466/VD | 2024-09-03 | 5 Day Notice - T1 - Redwood (dead) - Fell. Wills Memorial Building Queens Road Clifton Bristol BS8 1RJ | Decided |
| Clifton | 24/03177/LB | 2024-08-30 | The proposed reconfiguration of the property involves the following modifications. Removal of Existing Non Structural Stud Partition Wall between the kitchen and the hallway. Relocation of Non Structural Stud Hallway Wall. Creation of Access Opening in Bedroom 2 Non Structural Stud to provide access to a new en suite bathroom. Removal of brick and concrete steps to create space for an en-suite. Basement Flat 11 Lansdown Place Bristol BS8 3AF | Pending consideration |
| Clifton Down | 24/03333/VC | 2024-08-29 | T1 - Magnolia - Prune and reduce crown by approx 1.5m. T2 - Cherry Blossom - Prune and reduce crown by approx 1.5m. 6 Beaconsfield Road Clifton Bristol BS8 2TS | Decided |
| Clifton | 24/03381/COND | 2024-08-29 | Application for approval of details reserved by condition 2 of permission 23/04717/LA Installation of new hanger lighting scheme and associated cabling in addition to approved illumination scheme. Clifton Suspension Bridge Suspension Bridge Road Bristol BS8 3PA | Pending consideration |
| Clifton | 24/03385/COND | 2024-08-29 | Application for approval of details reserved by condition 2(a) of permission 23/01506/LA Installation of new painted timber windows & doors to existing openings on the rear elevation. 5 Westfield Place Bristol BS8 4AY | Pending consideration |
| Clifton | 24/03386/COND | 2024-08-29 | Application for approval of details reserved by condition 3of permission 23/03364/LA Alter the ceiling to the lower ground floor. 5 Westfield Place Bristol BS8 4AY | Pending consideration |
| Clifton | 24/03402/COND | 2024-08-29 | Application for approval of details reserved by condition 2 of permission 23/04716/F Installation of new hanger lighting scheme and associated cabling in addition to approved illumination scheme. Clifton Suspension Bridge Suspension Bridge Road Bristol BS8 3PA | Pending consideration |
| Clifton | 24/03374/VD | 2024-08-28 | 5 Day Notice - T1 - Lime - Fell failed stem. 7 Mortimer Road Bristol BS8 4EX | Decided |
| Clifton | 24/03204/LB | 2024-08-27 | Retrospective listed building consent for the removal of an internal, non-load bearing wall and replacement of front and rear doors. Flat 1 10 Meridian Place Bristol BS8 1JG | Pending consideration |
| Hotwells & Harbourside | 24/03323/LA | 2024-08-27 | Proposed demolition of existing garage and carport and development of a new replacement garage at ground floor and 2 new apartments at first and second floor. 11 Berkeley Square Bristol BS8 1HG | Pending consideration |
| Clifton Down | 24/03332/VC | 2024-08-27 | T1 - Magnolia - Prune around half the crown height of 2m. 11 High Street Clifton Bristol BS8 2YF | Decided |
| Clifton | 24/03336/VC | 2024-08-27 | Malus - Fell. Pittosporum - Fell. Olea europaea - Fell. Acer palmatum - Reshape. 16 Southernhay Avenue Bristol BS8 4TJ | Decided |
| Clifton | 24/03342/VC | 2024-08-27 | T1 - Ash - Reduce crown height by 2-2.5m. T2 - Birch - Reduce crown height by 1.5-2m. T3 - Willow - Reduce crown height by 2-2.5m. 24 College Road Clifton Bristol BS8 3HZ | Decided |
| Clifton | 24/03343/VC | 2024-08-27 | T1 - Lime - Reduce crown height by 2-2.5m between recent reduction points and the original pollard points. 5 The Avenue Clifton Bristol BS8 3HG | Decided |
| Hotwells & Harbourside | 24/03349/F | 2024-08-27 | Proposed demolition of existing garage and carport and development of a new replacement garage at ground floor and 2 new apartments at first and second floor. 11 Berkeley Square Bristol BS8 1HG | Pending consideration |
| Clifton | 24/02430/F | 2024-08-23 | Change of use from existing private art studio into residential accommodation with minor amendments to an external rear elevation to allow mechanical ventilation upgrades at the property to accommodate to change of use. 19 Vyvyan Road, Garage For 19 Vyvyan Terrace Bristol BS8 3AD | Pending consideration |
| Clifton | 24/03081/LB | 2024-08-23 | Remedial works to Rear (North) elevation to include replacement of the failed cementitious render. Remedial work to the original defective lead lined rear box gutters. Remedial work to the rear high level stone copings. Remedial work to the rear lower-level rear Annex roof. Remedial work to the original defective lead lined box gutters. Replace existing rotten timber lintols on rear elevation. Repairs to High level Mansard roof timber joinery adjacent rear box gutter in association with box gutter repairs. Remove existing damp ingress affected plasterwork internally and reinstate to match the existing. 16-17 Royal York Crescent Bristol BS8 4JY | Pending decision |
| Clifton Down | 24/03315/VC | 2024-08-23 | T1 - Copper Beech - Reduce height by 2m and radial spread by 1.5m T2 - Indian Bean - Re-pollard to established pollard heads, approx 2m reduction in height and spread. 112 Pembroke Road Clifton Bristol BS8 3EW | Decided |
| Clifton | 24/03372/LA | 2024-08-23 | Change of use from existing private art studio into residential accommodation with minor amendments to an external rear elevation to allow mechanical ventilation upgrades at the property to accommodate to change of use. 19 Vyvyan Road Bristol BS8 3AD | Pending consideration |
| Clifton | 24/02460/CP | 2024-08-22 | Application for a Lawful Development Certificate of proposed development to install PVCu triple glazed clerestory type window to side elevation. 1 Cobblestone Mews Bristol BS8 3DQ | Decided |
| Clifton Down | 24/02948/F | 2024-08-22 | Replacement window to front elevation and new window to rear. Flat 1 48 Oakfield Road Bristol BS8 2BG | Pending decision |
| Central | 24/03294/F | 2024-08-22 | Proposed ramp to the south facade of the building. Royal Fort House Royal Fort Road Bristol BS8 1UH | Pending consideration |
| Central | 24/03295/LA | 2024-08-22 | Proposed ramp to the south facade of the building. Royal Fort House Royal Fort Road Bristol BS8 1UH | Pending consideration |
| Clifton Down | 24/03265/VP | 2024-08-21 | T1 & T2 - Hornbeam - Crown reduce by 3m, crown lift to 2.5m. (TPO 337) 49A South Parade Mansions Oakfield Road Bristol BS8 2BA | Decided |
| Clifton Down | 24/03170/COND | 2024-08-19 | Application for approval of details reserved by condition 2 of permission 24/01569/F Alterations to the interior of existing basement flat, removal of existing rear extension, reinstatement of windows in rear elevation and construction of new garage/garden room/home office. 44 Pembroke Road Clifton Bristol BS8 3DT | Decided |
| Clifton | 24/03088/LA | 2024-08-16 | Add a stair down to the basement courtyard, to change the door from the basement courtyard into the basement and to re-render the outside walls of the house. 12 Westfield Place Bristol BS8 4AY | Pending consideration |
| Clifton | 24/03215/H | 2024-08-16 | Add a stair down to the basement courtyard , to change the door from the basement courtyard into the basement and to re-render the outside walls of the house. 12 Westfield Place Bristol BS8 4AY | Pending consideration |
| Clifton Down | 24/03225/VC | 2024-08-16 | T1 - Lawsons Cypress - Reduce height by 2m and radial spread by 0.5m. 31 St Pauls Road Clifton Bristol BS8 1LX | Decided |
| Clifton | 24/03194/VC | 2024-08-15 | G1 - Leylandii x 2 - Fell. Bell House 2 Camp Road Bristol BS8 3LW | Decided |
| Clifton Down | 24/03196/VC | 2024-08-15 | Ash x 2 - Monolith at 6m. Group of trees - Remove all basal growth and crown lift over car park to 6m. Prunus x 2 and Walnut x 1 - Crown lift to 3m. Group of trees - Prune back to clear ramp by 1.5m. Car Park Area Rear Of Clifton Down Shopping Centre Clifton Bristol BS8 2NN | Decided |
| Clifton | 24/03201/VC | 2024-08-15 | Olive - Reduce height and spread by 2m. 40 Canynge Square Bristol BS8 3LB | Decided |
| Clifton | 24/03206/VC | 2024-08-15 | T1 - Bay - Reshape by 1.5m all round. 21 Clifton Wood Road Bristol BS8 4TN | Decided |
| Clifton | 24/03035/F | 2024-08-14 | Internal reconfiguration and bathroom extension with works to re clad ground floor flat outrigger and alter roof line. First Floor Flat 4 Royal York Crescent Bristol BS8 4JZ | Pending consideration |
| Clifton | 24/03036/LA | 2024-08-14 | Internal reconfiguration and bathroom extension with works to re clad ground floor flat outrigger and alter roof line. First Floor Flat 4 Royal York Crescent Bristol BS8 4JZ | Pending consideration |
| Clifton | 24/03123/VC | 2024-08-14 | Eucalyptus - Fell. Copper Beech - Reduce by 4.8m all round, remove deadwood, balance proportionately. 2 Goldney Avenue Bristol BS8 4RA | Decided |
| Clifton Down | 24/03166/H | 2024-08-14 | Installation of 6. no Solar Panels on South facing roof. 1 Buckingham Vale Bristol BS8 2BU | Pending consideration |
| Clifton Down | 24/03167/LA | 2024-08-14 | Installation of 6. no Solar Panels on South facing roof. 1 Buckingham Vale Bristol BS8 2BU | Pending consideration |
| Clifton | 24/03180/VC | 2024-08-14 | T1 - Bay - Reduce height by 3m and radial spread by 1m. T2 - Cherry - Reduce height by 1.5m and radial spread by 1m. 13 Lansdown Place Bristol BS8 3AF | Decided |
| Clifton Down | 24/03216/COND | 2024-08-14 | Application for approval of details reserved by condition 2 of permission 24/01570/LA Alterations to the interior of existing basement flat, removal of existing rear extension, reinstatement of windows in rear elevation and construction of new garage/garden room/home office. 44 Pembroke Road Clifton Bristol BS8 3DT | Decided |